Toddy tappers

Toddy tappers

    Toddy tapper, who collects the fermented sap of the coconut flower from coconut trees by walking like an acrobat on a tightrope between the top of adjoining coconut trees, is a common scene in the area starting from Panadura, Wadduwa, Maggona, Payagala, Beruwala to Aluthgama.

    The Toddy, fermented sap of the coconut flower locally called “Raa” is a local alcoholic drink that can come from palmyra palm (Borassus flabellifer) (Thal) and kitul palm, (Caryota urens) (Kitul) flowers too. Fresh toddy is an oyster-white, sweet, translucent fluid. It is considered as pure as mothers’ milk and traditionally believed that it has many medicinal properties and a refreshing health drink.

    Toddy tapper, who collects the fermented sap of the coconut flower from coconut trees by walking like an acrobat on a tightrope between the top of adjoining coconut trees, is a common scene in the area starting from Panadura, Wadduwa, Maggona, Payagala, Beruwala to Aluthgama.

    The Toddy, fermented sap of the coconut flower locally called “Raa” is a local alcoholic drink that can come from palmyra palm (Borassus flabellifer) (Thal) and kitul palm, (Caryota urens) (Kitul) flowers too. Fresh toddy is an oyster-white, sweet, translucent fluid. It is considered as pure as mothers’ milk and traditionally believed that it has many medicinal properties and a refreshing health drink.

    Toddy tapper, who collects the fermented sap of the coconut flower from coconut trees by walking like an acrobat on a tightrope between the top of adjoining coconut trees, is a common scene in the area starting from Panadura, Wadduwa, Maggona, Payagala, Beruwala to Aluthgama.

    The Toddy, fermented sap of the coconut flower locally called “Raa” is a local alcoholic drink that can come from palmyra palm (Borassus flabellifer) (Thal) and kitul palm, (Caryota urens) (Kitul) flowers too. Fresh toddy is an oyster-white, sweet, translucent fluid. It is considered as pure as mothers’ milk and traditionally believed that it has many medicinal properties and a refreshing health drink.