Star Fort Matara, Matara Fort, Old Nupe market

Star Fort Matara, Matara Fort, Old Nupe market

    Star Fort Matara is located on the eastern bank of the Nilwala River. It was built by the Dutch in 1765.

    Matara Fort originally built by the Portuguese in 1560 and re-built by the Dutch in 1640.

    Old Nupe Market (Old Dutch market) building was used for the market in Nupe. The present building was built in the late eighteenth century but first built probably by the Dutch.

    Star Fort Matara is located on the eastern bank of the Nilwala River. It was built by the Dutch in 1765.

    Matara Fort originally built by the Portuguese in 1560 and re-built by the Dutch in 1640.

    Old Nupe Market (Old Dutch market) building was used for the market in Nupe. The present building was built in the late eighteenth century but first built probably by the Dutch.

    Star Fort Matara is located on the eastern bank of the Nilwala River. It was built by the Dutch in 1765.

    Matara Fort originally built by the Portuguese in 1560 and re-built by the Dutch in 1640.

    Old Nupe Market (Old Dutch market) building was used for the market in Nupe. The present building was built in the late eighteenth century but first built probably by the Dutch.