Sigiriya Museum

Sigiriya Museum

    Sigiriya museum, one of its kind in Sri Lanka is an exciting, stimulating, and intellectual place to visit. There are 3 levels in the museum, to parallel the climb to the summit of the Rock. Level one is the Proto-historic gallery. The artifacts belong to that period exhibits there. The second gallery represents the Buddhist monastic period with artifacts of that time. Story of King Kasyapa exhibits in the third level.

    Sigiriya museum, one of its kind in Sri Lanka is an exciting, stimulating, and intellectual place to visit. There are 3 levels in the museum, to parallel the climb to the summit of the Rock. Level one is the Proto-historic gallery. The artifacts belong to that period exhibits there. The second gallery represents the Buddhist monastic period with artifacts of that time. Story of King Kasyapa exhibits in the third level.