Castlereigh reservoir, Kayaking

Castlereigh reservoir, Kayaking

    Castlereigh reservoir, located 8 km south of Hatton was built in 1965 by damming Kehalgamu Oya River to get the water for Wimalasurendra Power Station. The reservoir is also functioning as a water airport.

    Kayaking at Castlereigh reservoir would be a fantastic paddling experience with marvelous views of the surroundings.

    Castlereigh reservoir, located 8 km south of Hatton was built in 1965 by damming Kehalgamu Oya River to get the water for Wimalasurendra Power Station. The reservoir is also functioning as a water airport.

    Kayaking at Castlereigh reservoir would be a fantastic paddling experience with marvelous views of the surroundings.

    Castlereigh reservoir, located 8 km south of Hatton was built in 1965 by damming Kehalgamu Oya River to get the water for Wimalasurendra Power Station. The reservoir is also functioning as a water airport.

    Kayaking at Castlereigh reservoir would be a fantastic paddling experience with marvelous views of the surroundings.